March is National Women’s History month. According to United States Census Bureau, National Women’s History month dates back to March 8, 1857 when a group of women protested the poor working conditions within New York City factories. The first celebration in the United States occurred in 1909. It has evolved from recognition on a day, to a week, and in 1987, a month.
During National Women’s History month, we celebrate all the changes women have made over the years including wage equality, availability of education, the right to vote, career opportunities, and much more.
In 2020, NAR highlighted how women have become a leading force in the real estate industry. It wasn’t always this way. The Women’s Council of Realtors is rumored to have begun when women were denied certain real estate board positions. Today, there are several groups just for women in real estate.
Some fun facts about women in real estate include:
· 65% of all realtors are female.
· 19% of 2021 homebuyers were single women
· Women make up 84% of interior designers and decorators
In 2020, Million Acres listed 5 women that we should know in real estate investing. These are successful women that provide a terrific example to current and aspiring female real estate investors.
Jane Goldman is another woman in the industry who has excelled in her craft. According to Forbes, Jane is “America’s only female billionaire running a real estate firm.” Her real estate portfolio includes more than 400 properties.
What other women in real estate should we know about?