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Weather and Housing Market

Over the last year, many cities have experienced weather that they are not accustomed to. According to NASA, 2024 recorded the warmest surface temperatures to date with a record of 15 consecutive months with high temps. In 2024, the United States experienced 27 major weather events according to Environment America.

According to, while weather events have some negative effects on real estate, there are also some upsides for real estate professionals including increased demand for displaced residents in neighboring areas.

Due to these natural environmental events, homebuyers and renters are moving away from coasts which means that those who want to live in these areas will have inventory to pick from. Many of these homebuyers and renters are only moving a few towns away from their original residence. Newsweek believes that by 2055, 55 million Americans will move within the US due to possible major weather events.

However, today, homebuyers are moving to Florida which is known for hurricanes and to Texas which is known for floods, hurricanes and tornados. Top places for people to move to in 2025 also include North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.

Read - 25 Fastest-Growing Places in the U.S. in 2024-2025 | U.S. News

As a real estate investor, it is important to consider location of your real estate investment property. What housing market trends are you seeing in your area?

Read - Preparing Property for Anticipated Severe Weather

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