For those homebuyers who believe in ghostly spirits, you may want to know if the property is occupied by paranormal, or “haunted”, before purchasing or renting a house. Interestingly, a select few states require that paranormal activity be disclosed during a transaction. It could even potentially increase the value of a home.
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As of 2019, only Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York have any mention of reporting paranormal activity detailed in their real estate disclosure laws. If your state does not require paranormal activity to be disclosed, you can always do your own research or talk to your realtor. If you ask open ended questions regarding paranormal activity at a specific property, the seller is required to tell the truth.
According to Forbes, Texas, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New York, and Virgina are among the top 10 most haunted states.
Read about the most haunted homes in each state of the 50 states…
Homeowners have been known to try a wide array of cleansing methods to rid properties of spirits. These include saging, blessing the property by a clergy person, or if all else fails, calling in paranormal experts.
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As a real estate investor, have you ever experienced strange or paranormal activity at an investment property?