Landlords tend to get a bad reputation, or at least you probably only remember bad things about landlords you’ve encountered over the years.
Basic responsibilities of a landlord are to provide a safe and healthy living condition at a market appropriate price. They should notify a tenant at least 24 hours prior if entry to the property is necessary, make repairs in a timely manner, give a tenant ample notice of an impending rent price change, and follow all requirements of their jurisdiction.
I recently found a social media account that highlighted ways a landlord showed appreciation for its tenants. Among them:
Find his TikTok account here - niccunningham686 (@niccunningham686) | TikTok
This landlord wants his tenants succeed in life. He believes that if he takes care of his tenants and treats them with respect, then the property will be treated with respect. A happy tenant leads to lower turnover and, in turn, lower costs to the landlord.
What are your thoughts on this landlord’s offerings? Have you ever done anything similar?