When considering rehab financing , there are many variables you need to take into consideration. We all tend to get caught up in points and terms, and seem to disregard other pertinent information. One of the most important aspects of a real estate loan is the interest rate. Specifically, on a loan based on draws ( rehab loan ); the interest rate can make or break you. Some hard money will charge you interest on the entire loan amount, while others only charge you for what you use. Let’s see how the two compare to each other with an example of a loan for a property with a purchase price of $70,000, rehab costs of $30,000, and a completed project in 9 months.
Option A – Interest paid on full loan amount or commitment at 9.5% (Some Hard Money Lenders)
Option B – Interest paid on outstanding amount at 9.5% (Specialty Lenders like ReCasa Financial Group )
Let’s see if there is a cost difference between the ways interest is charged:
Just by using a different real estate lender at the same interest rate, you saved $1,032 in interest charges. Keep in mind that this was for a $100,000 loan at a 9 month term, thus your savings could potentially be greater for a larger loan amount . Note that these calculations will vary by draw schedule and loan amounts.
Now you can see that points and terms are not the only thing you should be concerned about. How your interest is calculated can maximize profits!
The post How Much Does Your Interest Cost You? first appeared on ReCasa Financial Group.